Sample MEP Projects
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona- Building 66 Air Handling Unit Replacement and Mechanical Upgrades

This project includes demolition of two (2) existing air handling units; installation of two (2) new air handling units; new boiler, CHW/HHW pumps, reheat coils, start-up assistance, and review and coordination of waterside and airside TAB Report.
Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record.
Two (2) 24,000 cfm single-duct VAV with reheat air handling units. Two (2) 2.5-HP chilled water pumps. Two (2) 2-HP hot water pumps. 1,000-MBH boiler. Twenty (20) reheat coils. Other hydronic specialties.
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record for this project that replaced an existing boiler, two (2) existing air handling units, the terminal reheat coils, and the pneumatic controls at all reheat coils with direct digital control. The new 1,000-MBH boiler is designed to supply 140F, lower than the original building design of 160F. By reducing the operating hot water temperature, the new boiler is able to capture additional heat through condensation in the flue, which provides increased operating efficiency.
In addition to the replacement of the existing air handling units, new reheat coils were added to interior zones that did not previously have reheat coils, and all reheat coil control valves were replaced. Additional hot water piping modifications were made throughout the building to serve the additional reheat coils. The new control valves and thermostats are all DDC, replacing the pneumatic control infrastructure with modern building automation system controls.
The new air handling units are single-duct VAV with blow-through arrangement, providing 24,000 cfm each to both wings of the building. Goss designed ductwork modifications to accommodate the installation of the new air handling units and the reheat coil additions and replacements.