Merdian Castro Valley-Stanford Medical Office Building

Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record.
OSHPD-3(Future Capability)
CT Scanner, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner and Auxiliary Equipment, and a ceiling-mounting x-ray machine.
Stanford Medical
Goss Engineering was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record for the MEP infrastructure required for a new two-story 20,000 square foot medical office building (MOB). The Stanford MOB is in Northern California in the city of Castro Valley.
The mechanical design strategy was to provide the medical office building the capability of being able to convert into an OSHPD 3 facility in the future while still being able to provide the necessary mechanical infrastructure for a current B-occupancy building. Two 20,000 CFM rooftop package variable air volume (VAV) units were used to provide the required cooling and ventilation requirements along with multiple terminal units. A new dedicated 70-kW air-cooled process chiller was provided for the MRI equipment along with the auxiliary equipment. Goss coordinated with the shielding consultant for the new MRI room penetrations, including a quench vent for the MRI exhaust system. Two 400-MBH boilers with a primary/secondary pump arrangement provided the necessary heating to the building via reheat coils to all the terminal units. A new Building Management System (BMS) was also provided to control and monitor selected mechanical equipment.
The electrical infrastructure is comprised of providing a 1200 amp switchboard for all the lighting and power needs of the MOB. A new remote 250 kW emergency generator was provided for select medical equipment such as a CT scanner, an MRI scanner, X-ray equipment, and elevators.