California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo- Utilidor Heating Hot Water Pipe Replacement

This project replaced all of the original direct-buried and utilidor heating-hot-water piping installed in 1995.
Goss was the mechanical engineer-of-record.
30,000 linear feet of 4″-10″ direct-buried heating-hot-water piping.
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Goss was the mechanical engineer of record for the replacement of the direct-buried and utilidor encased heating-hot-water pipe that was installed in 1995. The original construction of the heating-hot-water piping was not installed conforming to industry standards. The direct-buried piping joints were not insulated or sealed adequately, while piping located in the utilidor was installed with sub-par grooved joints and with our thermal expansion provisions in place. This resulted in frequent leaks and issues with their water treatment providers who were concerned with the excessive makeup water and water treatment chemical consumption.
As part of this project, Goss performed a campus-wide hydraulic model for the heating-hot-water system to confirm the heating-hot-water secondary pumps had sufficient capacity, as well as confirming the pipe was sized to meet future campus loads. As a result of the hydraulic model sections of the heating-hot-water piping were up-sized to reduce pump head requirements to conserve pumping energy.
Goss prepared construction documents for the replacement of the heating-hot-water piping over three phases, over two years in order to minimize campus heating interruption. Goss handled the construction administration which consisted of construction over two years, with two separate contractors.