California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo- Heating-Hot-Water Expansion to Sierra Madre and Yosemite Residence Halls

This project provided a new high-efficiency central plant and thermal energy storage system. The project was eligible for $850,000 in utility incentives to offset some of the initial costs.
Goss was the mechanical and electrical engineer-of-record, assisting the campus with creating construction documents.
6,000 linear feet of 2-1/2″-6″ heating-hot-water-pipe
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Goss was the mechanical engineer of record for the expansion of the campus heating-hot-water loop to the Sierra Madre residence halls. The Sierra Madre residence halls had previously been served by an ebulliently (steam) cooled cogeneration engine and associated Ajax steam boiler.
The existing steam system was demolished and a new heating-hot-water system was provided. Due to the single pipe heating system within the residence halls, heat exchangers were provided delta-T collapse in the campus heating-hot-water loop. A new 1,500-gallon domestic hot-water storage tank and heat exchanger were provided to provide domestic hot water to the residence halls.
A hydraulic model was created in order to size the hot-water distribution pumps for the new hot-water loop serving the Yosemite Residence halls. In addition, thermal expansion calculations, and seismic separation calculations were provided for all rooftop piping within the Yosemite Residence Halls.
One unique aspect of this project was that all construction had to be completed over the summer in order to keep the residence halls active during the academic year.