Loma Linda University Health- Central Plant Chiller Replacement

This project replaced old, failing chillers with new, larger chillers to provide additional central plant capacity. This project also added absorption chillers that allow more flexible operation and make use of excess steam in summer months to produce chilled water and reduce electric consumption.
Goss was the mechanical engineer and prime consultant on this project.
4,940 tons
Loma Linda University, Health
Goss was the mechanical engineer-of-record for this two-phase project in the 5,000-ton chiller plant serving the university and hospital campus. The first phase included the demolition of two existing 1,000-ton centrifugal chillers in the central plant and replacement with two new 1,250-ton chillers. This project phase also added four new primary pumps and two new secondary pumps.
The second phase added two new 1,220-ton absorption chillers, piped in a sidecar arrangement to raise the chilled water temperature before returning to the centrifugal chillers. The absorption chillers were unable to supply cold enough water on their own but were used to reduce the summer electric load by making use of excess steam. These chillers were located in an adjacent steam plant.
This project also upgraded the entire central plant control system, including the replacement of all control valves and the provision of a new sequence of operations. A new refrigerant detection system, including horns, strobes, and emergency pushbuttons, was installed to bring the central plant to compliance with the current code. Analysis of purge requirements confirmed the existing exhaust and make-up air systems were sufficient.