Loma Linda University, Health- Thermal Energy Storage Tank Addition

Installed a chilled water thermal energy storage tank to serve the existing campus central plant, allowing shifting of all on-peak cooling production to off-peak hours.
Goss was the mechanical engineer-of-record and prime consultant, overseeing structural, electrical, civil, and geotechnical sub-consultant efforts.
40,000 Ton-hours
(3) 24,000-MBH heat exchangers, (3) distribution pumps, and (3) TES pumps.
Loma Linda University
Goss was the mechanical engineer-of-record for this 3-phase project that installed a new 40,000 ton-hour stratified chilled water thermal energy storage (TES) tank. Due to site restrictions, the tank was installed remotely from the central plant, and at the lowest point on campus. The new TES tank allows the cooling production to be decoupled from the cooling load. Presently sized as a full storage tank, analysis of future load forecast allowed tank sizing to ensure the tank would provide partial storage capacity in 20 years.
To isolate the new open tank from the higher elevations on campus, a second project phase delivered a skid comprised of heat exchangers and pumps. The medical center tower included air handling units and the system expansion tank on the roof, more than 150 feet above the water height in the new TES tank. Rather than using pressure-sustaining valves in the tower, Goss elected to use heat exchangers to ensure that no failure could lead to draining of the entire chilled water system volume. Pumps on both sides of the heat exchangers allow for charge and discharge modes for the TES system.
A third phase delivered the underground infrastructure, tying the other phases together with the existing utilities. This phase included mechanical and electrical infrastructure, which allowed for the functionality of the first two phases and set the stage for a future central plant addition in this location.